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- 20 Años Así-Edición Única(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2009-06-01) Rodríguez Maldonado, Laura Elena; Flores Garza, Jorge Lorenzo; Hernández Sotillo, Omar Danilo; Cervantes Sandoval, Cristina María; Cervantes Sandoval, Cristina María; Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey; Pedroza Villarreal, Gabriela de LourdesEn la actualidad la sociedad mexicana ha evolucionado a tal grado que en la mayoría de los casos el núcleo familiar ha cambiado, rompiendo así con los estereotipos culturales en los que nos desenvolvemos. Este cambio ha surgido gracias a la necesidad familiar de que la mujer colabore con el mantenimiento de la casa, es decir, deje de ser solamente ama de casa y lo combine con un trabajo. En algunos casos, los roles no solo se han unido sino que han sido invertidos. Este documental muestra el caso específico de una familia donde los roles han sido intercambiados por completo, es decir que la mujer es la que sale a trabajar mientras que el hombre cubre la función de ama de casa. Las reacciones de familiares y de la sociedad son de vital importancia para el desarrollo de esta relación por lo que son incluidas así como la opinión de un experto que nos da su punto de vista respecto a la situación en la que viven, los aspectos de la pareja y los hijos.
- 2030: análisis prospectivo del tratamiento de los riesgos psicosociales con perspectiva de género en el mercado laboral mexicano(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-11-30) Cortés Flores, Marissa Michelle; OCHMAN IKANOWICZ, MARTA BARBARA; 200876; Ochman Ikanowicz, Marta Bárbara; emiggomez; Benavides Rincón, Guillermina; Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública; Universidad Virtual en LíneaEl mundo laboral ha evolucionado considerablemente a lo largo de los años, debido a reformas normativas, cambios sociales, modificaciones en la cultura organizacional, variaciones en las relaciones laborales, entre otras cosas. En este sentido, las necesidades laborales se han transformado, incluyendo el tratamiento de riesgos laborales. Comúnmente, la prevención de riesgos laborales se asocia con la atención de riesgos físicos susceptibles de ocurrir en los centros de trabajo y no se toma en cuenta el daño psíquico que pudiesen sufrir las y los trabajadores. No obstante, como se mencionó con anterioridad, las necesidades han cambiado, por lo que ahora se ha visibilizado que es importante atender no sólo los riesgos físicos potenciales, sino también atender aquellos riesgos que afectan la psique de las personas trabajadoras, dando entrada al concepto de riesgos psicosociales. Cabe mencionar que la detección de este tipo de riesgos resulta más complicada, por lo que usualmente su prevención y atención se deja a un lado. Ahora bien, en los últimos años, la mujer ha visto poco a poco acrecentada su inclusión en el mundo laboral, lo que ha traído consigo diversos cambios en cuanto a los roles tradicionales de género, puesto que ahora, no solamente atienden aquellas necesidades inherentes al hogar, sino que también ocupan el papel de proveedora. Es así que la entrada de la mujer al ámbito laboral formal y la perpetuación de los estereotipos de género, han traído consigo distintas problemáticas como la brecha salarial y la doble jornada. En consecuencia, se ha buscado aminorar estas desventajas a través de acciones varias que van desde movimientos sociales hasta reformas normativas y acciones afirmativas, en donde el común denominador es la inclusión de perspectiva de género, con la intención de lograr la paridad entre mujeres y hombres. El tema de riesgos psicosociales no queda exento de este fenómeno, puesto que se ha comprobado que ciertos riesgos psicosociales, como la dificultad de conciliación trabajo-familia y acoso sexual laboral, se presentan con mayor frecuencia en las trabajadoras. Debido a lo anterior, resulta crucial atender de manera diferenciada las necesidades de hombres y mujeres, toda vez que las demandas de cada uno son radicalmente distintas, pero igual de importantes. El presente trabajo, tiene como objetivo: Mediante un ejercicio de visión, emitir un plan de acción y recomendaciones sobre políticas públicas y acciones privadas tendientes a regular con perspectiva de género los riesgos psicosociales en el país al año 2030. La presente investigación toma como referencia el año 2030, toda vez que se pretende plantear el marco referencial que sirva como base para la agenda pública de la siguiente administración a nivel Federal en el tema en cuestión. La selección de estos dos riesgos se hizo con base en la prevalencia que éstos tienen en las mujeres. Lo anterior atendiendo al hecho de que el mercado laboral se encuentra segmentado en razón del sexo de las personas. Es decir, existen profesiones altamente feminizadas como la hotelería y manufactura, por tanto, y debido a la naturaleza de los sectores en que se desenvuelven, las mujeres trabajadoras pueden ver afectadas en mayor medida que los hombres por los siguientes riesgos psicosociales: Acoso sexual, acoso laboral, discriminación por razón de sexo, dificultades de conciliación trabajo – familia, doble presencia y burnout. Lo anterior atiende al hecho de que la cultura preventiva sobre riesgos psicosociales se ha focalizado en una atención androcentrista, en donde meramente sólo se abordan aquellos problemas estereotípicamente masculinos, atendiendo lo femenino solamente en cuanto las funciones de reproducción (Pérez, 2020). Cabe mencionar que el análisis realizado en el presente documento solamente contempla el mercado laboral formal y presencial, toda vez que no existen estadísticas certeras sobre el tema en comento en el mercado laboral informal ni tampoco en modalidad remota. Además, toda vez que sólo un pequeño porcentaje de las organizaciones en el país aplica la modalidad remota, resulta más conveniente y útil emitir recomendaciones enfocadas al trabajo presencial. Aunado a ello, resulta preciso señalar que el enfoque seleccionado para el presente trabajo es el de perspectiva binaria de género; no obstante, al término de la investigación, se evidenció que existen distintos enfoques que pueden contribuir a la solución del problema en cuestión. Ejemplo de ello es la atención de la problemática haciendo énfasis en término de la inclusión social, con el objetivo de tener una visión integral del problema y sus soluciones para no centrarse únicamente en la vertiente binaria. Otra opción es la aplicación de una perspectiva de género interseccional, en donde se tomen en cuenta distintos factores como el contexto histórico, social, político, edad, orientación sexual, discapacidad, entre otros, para analizar la interconexión entre dichas variables y su impacto en la situación de vulnerabilidad de las personas. Para de esta manera poder analizar las implicaciones y acciones que pueden llevarse a cabo teniendo en consideración estas diferencias específicas y necesidades particulares. A pesar de que este tipo de enfoques no se realizan en el presente documento, sí se mencionan como líneas de investigación que resultaría importante desarrollar con posterioridad y serían complementarios a este trabajo. Resulta necesario señalar que en México no existe investigación profunda alguna en este respecto (contrario a países europeos y latinoamericanos como Argentina y Chile) por lo que, un trabajo de investigación enfocado a esta temática en específico, puede ser utilizado como punto de partida para continuar investigaciones de esta índole, así como ser tomado como base para la emisión de diversas políticas públicas, así como acciones puntuales en la iniciativa privada e incluso puede llegar a ser el marco referencial para el establecimiento de la agenda pública. Después de analizar detenidamente cada uno de los diferentes métodos de construcción de escenarios de futuro y tomando en consideración el objetivo general del presente proyecto de investigación, se concluyó que la aplicación del método de backcasting es la mejor opción. Lo anterior atendiendo a que mediante el proyecto en cuestión se pretende lograr lo siguiente: Mediante un ejercicio de visión, emitir un plan de acción y recomendaciones sobre políticas públicas y acciones privadas tendientes a regular con perspectiva de género los riesgos psicosociales. En este entendido, la idea de analizar la situación actual, así como el escenario de futuro seleccionado para poder explorar las distintas acciones que pueden llevarse a cabo con la finalidad de alcanzar dicho escenario, resulta lo más conveniente; pues de esta manera se estará en posibilidades de plantear un plan de acción para lograr el futuro seleccionado y así emitir las recomendaciones sobre políticas públicas y privadas que se pretenden. Primeramente, se explicarán de manera exhaustiva diversos conceptos necesarios para el correcto entendimiento del presente trabajo de investigación. Se procederá al desarrollo de un análisis PESTLE, que contendrá datos de la situación actual en la nación mexicana en cuanto a acoso sexual laboral, dificultad de conciliación trabajo - familia y riesgos psicosociales en general, analizando datos tanto pre como post pandemia. Posteriormente, se aplicará la metodología de backcasting, con la finalidad de seleccionar un futuro deseado en el tema en comento y elaborar un plan de trabajo preciso y funcional con recomendaciones al respecto, que sirvan como marco referencial para los actores involucrados en el tema.
- 2030: Prospectiva de las Alianzas Educativas en México-Edición Única(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010-05-01) David Alberto Garza Morales
- 3cv+2 : Modelo de Calidad para la Construcción de Vivienda en México(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2008-01-05) Solís Flores, Juan Pablo; SOLIS FLORES, JUAN PABLO; 244164; García Rodríguez, Salvador
- 3D Computer vision for online activity detection. Case study: metabolic rate estimation for connected thermostat(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-12-01) Mata Juárez, Omar; PONCE CRUZ, PEDRO; 31857; Ponce Cruz, Pedro; puemcuervo, emipsanchez; Peffer, Therese; McDaniel, Troy; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Monterrey; Molina Gutiérrez, ArturoThe ability to detect human activities in computer vision has gained importance over the years due to its potential in many applications such crime prevention, healthcare, public safety, human-computer/robot interaction, smart homes, videogames, monitoring, etc. A way to achieve those applications is by doing a Human Activity Recognition (HAR) process in which an activity is identified by a series of physical actions that construct one physical activity. The identification requires sensors to obtain the data for processing and classifying it. These kinds of sensors are often found inside a smart home. Therefore, it is proposed to use noninvasive sensors in combination with digital signal processing to develop a platform for detecting human activity. Moreover, a case study is proposed for validating the platform by proposing a strategy to save energy on HVAC systems without affecting the thermal comfort of the occupant
- 3D printed nutritious food: printability, rheology, and novel approaches towards modification of their structural properties(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-12-02) Maldonado Rosas, Rubén; Tejada Ortigoza, Viridiana Alejandra; puemcuervo/tolmquevedo; Morales de la Peña, Mariana; Campanella, Osvaldo H.; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Monterrey; Cuan Urquizo, EnriqueA study in extrusion-based 3D printing of nutritious food is presented in this dissertation. This study covers the design of a novel food-ink formulation, printability and rheology. Also, the mechanical analysis of post-processed printed products. Chapter 1 includes the motivation, problem statement and context of this study. It also includes the theoretical framework regarding 3D customized food and 3D food printing techniques’ basic principles. Chapter 2 includes the engineering parameters for extrusion of 3D printed food materials. Then Chapter 3 contains the Hypothesis, Objectives and Reserch Plan followed during this project. Manuscript 1 (Chapter 4) is entitled "3D printed nutritious food: printability, rheology, and novel approaches towards modification of their structural properties." Herein correlations among the printability of formulations and their rheological properties were established. This manuscript is planned to be published in the journal Additive Manufacturing. Chapter 5 presents the mechanical properties of the post-processed materials. The abstract and acceptance letter for an oral presentation accepted in the conference Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería en Alimentos (CIBIA XIII) is presented in Chapter 6. Finally, it is included a disclosure regarding scientific material and an appendix section containing complementary information collected during data organization and analysis. This dissertation showed rheological properties describing promising applications for novel ingredients. Pregelatinized starch results on printing quality can be used to provide guidance for future Three-Dimensional Food Printing (3DFP) studies, especially for those where a hydrocolloid is used as an additive to improve printing behavior of the food-ink formulations.
- 3D printed organ-on-chip device and neural tissue engineering of spheroid and organoid cultures(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-06-14) Choy Buentello, David; CHOY BUENTELLO, DAVID; 484426; Alvarez Hernández, Mario Moisés; emijzarate; Broersen, Kerensa; Gonzalez meljem, Jose Mario; Caraza Camacho, Ricardo; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; Trujillo de Santiago, GrisselWith the increased relevance of 3D culture techniques, such as spheroids and organoids, additional equipment and techniques are needed to accommodate growing tissue and measure physiological functions. Organ-on-Chip devices have increasingly been employed thanks to their perfusion and gradient capabilities, aiding in controlling the microenvironment surrounding the growing culture. Here, we describe an easy-to-use 3D printed neuron-on-chip device able to create sustainable diffusion gradients in a large hydrogel chamber. The device consists of a 3x3x11mm3 culture area, flanked by two parallel media channels. The nutrient/waste exchange created by the diffusion of the two media channels creates a microenvironment suitable for different cell types, including: cancer, embryonic, and fibroblasts. The drug delivery capabilities of this device seem to enhance pharmacokinetics, with an increased effect of perfused substances. Experiments with perfused paclitaxel showed a decrease in mobility and viability of the spheroids only achieved in controls with a 50% higher concentration of the drug. Taking advantage of the perfusion capabilities of the two media channels, a dual gradient can be formed within the hydrogel creating a complex microenvironment within the culture chamber. This versatile, proof-of-concept device holds great promise by enabling a wide range of experiments with 3D cultures. Additionally, we describe a cost-effective method of creating embryoid bodies (EB) from human embryonic stem cells (ESC). Our method combines covering the concave bottom well-plates with a commercially available anti-adherence solution and force-aggregating the cells through centrifugation. This method can be performed minutes before EB formation, instead of days of plate preparation using other ad hoc methods. More importantly, the use of this method, with either U-bottom or V-bottom well plate, provides reproducible EB’s with low variability in diameters and differentiation iwhen comparable to the commercially available plates. Lastly, we further differentiate our EBs into hippocampal organoids to develop a physiologically relevant model for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Our organoids express markers for all the hippocampal regions including the HuB for CA1-CA3 and the PROX1 marker for the dentate gyrus. Voltage sensitive dyes allowed for a minimally invasive method of studying the electrophysiological activity of the neurons, which revealed mature synchronization by day in vitro (DIV) 60. Exposure to Amyloid-β (Aβ) showed a direct correlation between concentration and neural damage, demonstrating the potential for future disease modeling. Overall, our organoid differentiation suggest a fully formed hippocampal organoid able to assist in uncovering hippocampal developmental data and disease model.
- 3D printed tumor on chips for the culture and maturation of heterotypic cancer spheroids as a platform for drug testing(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-12-05) Gallegos Martínez, Salvador; GALLEGOS MARTINEZ, SALVADOR; 814051; puemcuervo, emipsanchez; Shrike Zhang, Yu; Gonzáles Meljem, José Mario; Luna Aguirre, Claudia Maribel; Olvera Posadas, Daniel; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Monterrey; Trujillo de Santiago, GrisselThe recapitulation of cancer environment in tumor-on-chip systems will greatly contribute to accelerate cancer studies in the fronts on fundamental research, pharmacological testing of new therapeutic compounds, and personalized medicine. Here we describe the development of two microfluidic platforms aimed to contribute to the advance of tumor-on-chip research. First, we describe a simple and robust method for the fabrication, maturation, and extended culture of large heterotypic cancer (MCF7 and MCF7/fibroblasts) spheroids (~900 µm in diameter) in a 3D-printed mini continuous stirred tank reactor (mini-CSTR). In brief, MCF7 and MCF7/BJ cell suspensions (5×104 cells) were incubated in batch culture to form discoid cell aggregates (600 µm in diameter). These microtissues were then transferred into the mini-CSTR and continuously fed with culture media for an extended time (~30 days). The spheroids progressively increased in size during the first 20 days of perfusion culture to reach a steady diameter. We characterized the spheroid morphology, architecture and the evolution of expression of relevant tumor-related genes (i.e., ER, VEGF, Ki67, Bcl2, LDHA, and HIF-1α) in spheroids cultured for 30 days. This mini-CSTR culture strategy enables the simple and reproducible fabrication of relatively large spheroids and offers great potential for studying the effects of diverse effectors on tumor progression. In addition, we introduce a 3D-printed microfluidic system that can be generically used to culture tumor-tissues under well-controlled environments. The system is composed by three compartments. The left and right compartments have two inlets and two outlets which provide means to continuously feed liquid streams to the system. The central compartment is designed to host a hydrogel where a microtissue can be confined and cultured. A transparent lid can be adapted to enable visual inspection under a microscope. We conducted fluorescent and FITC dextran tracer experiments to characterize the hydraulic performance of the system. In addition, we cultured MCF7 and MCF7/BJ spheroids embedded in a GelMA hydrogel constructs (placed in the central chamber), to illustrate the use of this system to sustain long term micro-tissue culture experiments. We also present experimental results that illustrate the flexibility and robustness of this 3D-printed device for tumor-on-chip experiments including pharmacological testing of anticancer compounds. These “open-source” organ-on-chip systems are intended to be a general-purpose resource to facilitate and democratize the development of tumor-on-chip applications. We also explored the use of these cell aggregates and some of the characterization techniques to develop educational activities in the context of tissue engineering. Students fabricated a DIY (do it yourself) incubator and cultured spheroids for 7 days on average. They evaluated glucose consumption, size progression and change in color of the culture media. In this proposed activity students were exposed to concepts and basic experimental duties commonly use in a tissue engineering lab.
- 3G (migrando a LTE) vs WiMAX, complementos o rivales: aplicación de un estudio de caso en México(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010-05-01) Jiménez Pérez, Ricardo; Ibarra Yúnez, Alejandro; Torres Arcadia, Carmen Celina; Rodríguez Dagnino, Ramón Martín; Maranto Vargas, Daniel; Programa de Graduados en Mecatrónica y Tecnologías de la Información; División de Mecatrónica y Tecnologías de Información; Campus MonterreyLa industria de las telecomunicaciones, en los últimos años, ha evolucionado significativamente tanto para las operadoras relacionadas con la oferta de servicios como para los usuarios. En este sentido, la telefonía móvil está siendo considerada como referencia obligada para observar cuál es la madurez de ciertas operadoras con respecto a los factores económicos, regulatorios, organizacionales, de servicios y tecnológicos. Los usuarios actuales de telefonía móvil están observando las posibilidades que les proporcionan los diferentes competidores, así como los costos que representaría en adquirir una tecnología en específico. Las tecnologías móviles están evolucionando para aprovechar la disponibilidad del espectro en la mayoría de los países del mundo y así establecer alternativas en el ofrecimiento de mayor ancho de banda para un mercado que está en constante crecimiento o para un nicho en particular. Los usuarios actuales de telefonía móvil están observando las posibilidades que les proporcionan los diferentes competidores, así como los costos que representaría en adquirir una tecnología en específico. Las tecnologías móviles están evolucionando para aprovechar la disponibilidad del espectro en la mayoría de los países del mundo y así establecer alternativas en el ofrecimiento de mayor ancho de banda para un mercado que está en constante crecimiento o para un nicho en particular. La importancia se centra en analizar un estudio de caso en México, que ha contemplado el despliegue de WiMAX en ciertas ciudades y el cual, con base en opiniones de expertos, ofrecerá una mayor visión del estado de esa tecnología no sólo en el país sino en el mundo. El modelo propuesto para analizar los despliegues generalizados de 3G y WiMAX es una adaptación y propuesta propia basada en el modelo de Bouwman, Haaker & De Vos (2008).
- 4d printing research trends and applications in the medical field: a scientometric analysis(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-07-28) Padilla Aguirre, Karen Marcela; RODRIGUEZ SALVADOR, MARISELA; 20562; Rodríguez Salvador, Marisela; emijzarate, emipsanchez; Urbina Coronado, Pedro Daniel; Elizondo Noriega, Armando; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus MonterreyInnovation plays a key role on a company’s either success or failure. But innovation is not just the creating or adopting new technologies; it is also directly connected with a solid strategic planning. Competitive technology intelligence is based on the systematic and ethical process of gathering, analyzing and transforming information into actionable knowledge. It aims to support decision making and strategic planning, because the knowledge produced by this methodology constitutes an early warning for research, development and innovation [19]. Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a technique of additive manufacturing that has revolutionized engineering, product design and manufacturing, as it allows the rapid conversion of digital 3D model information into physical static objects [45]. However, in the last few years a new possibility has been introduced to add ’time’ as a new dimension to create 4D printing. The medical field keeps changing and progressing at a high speed with new technologies emerging every day. 4D printing on the medical field is an area where it is necessary to provide decision makers with an overview of technological knowledge that helps them generate innovation opportunities. On this thesis, a Competitive technology intelligence approach was executed to identify trends in 4D printing technologies applied to the medical field, in order to provide relevant information through a technological landscape to support decision makers to uncover innovation opportunities. The results of the analysis revealed that most of the research developed is on the materials category, which relates completely to the fact that smart materials are the key difference between 3D and 4D printing. Most of the researches focus on shape memory polymers, hydrogels and liquid crystal elastomers. On the processes category researched is focused on the physical configuration of the printing model, printing parameters and adapting machines to modify the printing configurations. As for the applications, three main subcategories were identified, hollow tubes/stents, tissue engineering and drug delivery. According to the growth kinetics it is a field that although is fairly new, keeps growing and will keep gaining attention.
- A C-MEMS based electroosmotic microreactor for anisotropic AuNPs synthesis: Proof of concept(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2020-05-28) Ortiz Castillo, José Eric; ORTIZ CASTILLO, JOSE ERIC; 885252; Pérez González, Víctor Hugo; ilquio; Martinez Chapa, Sergio Omar; Gallo Villanueva, Roberto Carlos; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus MonterreyAnisotropic gold nanoparticle synthesis has aroused great attention in the scientific community in the last two decades. These nanomaterials have unique properties that make them suitable for a wide range of applications in the biomedical field such as optical sensing, biomedicine, chemical catalysis, etc. Therefore, there have been several efforts in the seek of novel and green synthetic methodologies for gold nanoparticles. The control of the concentration of reactants and the kinetics of the reaction are two crucial parameters for the developing of a good synthetic procedure. Microfluidics offers different approaches to deal with the materials synthesis at a microscale with a higher synthetic control at a molecular level. A proof of concept for the synthesis of anisotropic gold nanoparticles was carried on a C-MEMS based electroosmotic microreactor. This microfluidic design was used previously specifically as a bidirectional electroosmotic flow micropump. The velocity profile produced by this microfluidic device was employed to mix the reaction components for the chemical synthesis of anisotropic gold nanoparticles. The reactor was studied with an experimental design and computational modelling. Finally, the anisotropic gold nanoparticles were characterized by UV-Vis and TEM microscopy.
- A causal multiagent system approach for automating processes in intelligent organizations(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010-12-01) Ceballos Cancino, Héctor Gibrán; Ceballos Cancino, Héctor Gibrán; 223871The current competitive environment motivated Knowledge Management (KM) theorists to propose the notion of Organizational Intelligence (OI) for enabling a rapid response of large organizations to changing conditions. KM practitioners consider that OI resi
- A classifier-based fusion algorithm for latent fingerprint identification based on a neural network(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey) Valdes Ramirez, Danilo; VALDES RAMIREZ, DANILO; 862810; Medina Pérez, Miguel Ángel; emipsanchez; Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Andrés; Morales Moreno, Aythami; Loyola González, Octavio; García Borroto, Milton; Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Andrés E.; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Estado de México; Monroy, RaúlHuman beings present a singular skin on the surface of their fingers with furrows, ridges, and sweet pores. Ridges and furrows describe distinct forms, such as points with maximum curvature, bifurcation and interruption, and particular ridges’ contours. Experts have classified those forms as level 1, 2, or 3 features. When the finger surface touches an object, it prints the features in a 2D image termed fingerprint due to the grease and the sweat released by the pores. Hitherto, there is no report of two fingerprints having the same features, not even in identical tweens. Fingerprints acquired from the object surfaces with unknown identity are latent fingerprints. Latent fingerprints have practical applications in criminal investigations and justice administration. Such sensible applications demand high accuracy and speed in the identification of a latent fingerprint. Although some authors have proposed latent fingerprint identification algorithms, they still consider insufficient the achieved identification rates for satisfying the sensitivity of the latent fingerprint applications. Some enhancements to the identification of latent fingerprints have been reported with fusion algorithms. However, the typical fusion scheme has been focused on weighted sums with weights empirically determined. The trending use of weighted sums has left room for improvements using classifier-based fusions. Additionally, the literature related to the latent fingerprint identification lacks of an exhaustive analysis of the suitability of the multiple fingerprint feature representations proposed, and the quantification of such a suitability. In this research, we analyze the appropriateness of several fingerprint feature representations for representing latent fingerprints; and we have found a preference for minutia descriptors. Hence, we develop a protocol for evaluating minutia descriptors in a closedset identification. With such a protocol, we determine the merit of nine minutia descriptors suitable for identifying latent fingerprints. As a result, we select four minutia descriptors as candidates for a fusion algorithm and tune their parameters for latent fingerprint identification. Next, we evaluate the four minutia descriptors with their global matching algorithms on subsets of latent fingerprints with good, bad, and ugly qualities. We find two of them reaching the highest identification rates for all subsets and ranks. Therefore, we propose a latent fingerprint identification algorithm with the fusion of these two algorithms using a neural network and four attributes as input, which characterize the fingerprints’ similarity. Experiments show that our proposal improves the baseline algorithms in 13 of 15 datasets created with databases NIST SD27, MOLF-IIITD, and GCBD. Our fusion algorithm reports the highest rank-1 identification rate (71.32%), matching the latent fingerprints in the NIST SD27 against 100,000 fingerprints, using only minutiae. Our algorithm takes six milliseconds to compare a fingerprint pair, which is a good time.
- A CMOS cantilever platform using adsorption-induced surface stress and piezoresistive transduction for biosensing(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2012-12-01) Rendón Hernández, Adrián Abdalá; Rendón Hernández, Adrían Abdalá; 315444; Martínez Chapa, Sergio Omar; Dieck Assad, Graciano; Camacho León, Sergio; School of Engineering and Information Technologies Graduate Program; Campus MonterreyThis work proposes a biosensing platform based on a microcantilever operating in static mode. The microcantilever transforms the adsorption-induced surface stress into a deflection which is then transformed in an electrical signal by means of a piezoresistive element that is embedded in the structure. A non-destructive and independent-of-fabrication-processes method to characterize residual stress within composite micromachined beams has been proposed. The method was validated by comparing available experimental data and simulation results from fourteen microbeams obtaining an average of 27% absolute error concerning the maximum deflection of the structures. A multipysics model incorporating a suspended beam, a piezoresistor and a Wheatstone bridge has been created in Comsol and used to explore performance of different piezoresistor geometries. A serpentine piezoresistor compared favorably among different geometries and showed a sensibility of 116Ω/µm. Finally, several Bandgap references were designed to be used in conjunction with the Wheatstone bridge in order to get low sensibilities to temperature and voltage supply variations. The best reference showed sensibilities of 18 ppm/ ◦C and 3.2mV/V. This platform was entirely designed to be fabricated in a CMOS process, and is expected to be used in the future to detect and quantify different analytes for environmental monitoring, food industry and biomedicine.
- A comparative study of deep learning-based image captioning models for violence description(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-10-10) González Martínez, Fernando; CONANT PABLOS, SANTIAGO ENRIQUE; 56551; Conant Pablos, Santiago Enrique; emijzarate; Hugo Terashima, Marín; González Mendoza, Miguel; Nimrod González, Franco; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus MonterreyThe safety and security of people will always hold one of the top positions for governments, countries, states, enterprises, and families. One of the greatest advances in the field of security technologies was the invention of surveillance cameras, giving public and private owners the possibility to observe recorded past events to protect their property. Giving undeniable proof of events that occurred when they were not present. It is safe to say that most corporations and some homes have some type of security technology, from the simplest surveillance system to more complicated technologies, such as facial and fingerprint recognition. With these types of security systems, there exists a drawback, the volume of data generates from each of them. When talking about surveillance cameras we have thousands of hours being recorded and stored for later access to review any past event. The problem arises when the volume of data generated surpasses the capability of humans to analyze it. However, should humans decide to analyze it, human errors become a factor too, as the quantity and nature of the data could overwhelm, and cause humans to miss an event that should not be missed. In this work, the events contain violence and suspicious behavior, such as robberies, assaults, street riots, and fights, among others. Thus, presenting the need for a system that can recognize such events happening and generate a brief description for a faster interpretation by the humans using the system. The field of image captioning and video captioning have been present in computer science for the past decade. Image captioning works by converting an image and words into features using deep learning models, combining them, and creating predictions from what the model believes should be the output for a given state. Given the time for which this task has existed, Image Captioning has been through many changes in the development of its models. The basic model utilizes convolutional neural networks for image analysis and recurrent neural networks for sentence analysis and generation. The addition of attention further improved the results from these models by teaching models where to focus when analyzing images and sentences. Finally, the creation of the Transformer, which has dominated the field in most tasks, thanks to the ability to perform most of its calculations in parallel, thus being faster than past models. The performance improvements can be seen thanks to previous works that are on top of the leaderboards for image recognition, text generation, and captioning. The purpose of this work is to create and train models to generate descriptions of normal and violent images. The models proposed in this work are Encoder-Decoder, Encoder-Decoder using Attention layers, and Transformers. The dataset used as a base for this work is the Flickr8k dataset. This dataset is a collection of around 8000 images with 5 descriptions each, obtained through human consultation. For this work, we extended the dataset to include violent images and their descriptions. The descriptions were obtained by asking a group of three persons to describe the image shown, mentioning subjects, objects, actions, and places as best they could. The images were retrieved by using Microsoft’s Bing API. The models were then evaluated using BLEU-N, METEOR, CIDEr, and ROUGE-L. These are machine translation evaluation metrics that are used to compare generated sentences to reference sentences and obtain an objective metric. Results show that the models can generate sentences that describe normal and violent images. However, the Soft-Attention model obtained the best performance over normal and violent images. Given our results, these models can generate descriptions of violent and normal images. The availability of these models could help analyze images found on the web, giving a brief description before opening images containing violent content. The results obtained can be used as a base to further improve these models and the possibility of creating models that can analyze violent videos. This could result in a system that is capable of analyzing images and videos in the background and generating a brief description of the events found in them, potentially leading to better reaction times from security and increased crime prevention.
- A comparison of control schemes for an articulated 2 degree-of-freedom robot manipulator optimized via genetic algorithms(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010-05-01) Arriaga González, Jonathan; Arriaga González, Jonathan; 268989; Soto, Rogelio; Meza, José Luis; Rodríguez, Ernesto; Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus MonterreyRobot manipulators play an important role in actual industrial processes. The trajectory following of robot manipulators is a non-linear problem that still requires much research [34]. This research work focuses on the control of the dynamics of an articulated robot manipulator. A 2 degree-of-freedom (DOF) articulated robot manipulator is simulated, each of the two links of the robot having its respective controller. Two different kind of control objectives for the robot's links are considered, position control and velocity control. Four control schemes for the robot's dynamics were selected. For position, a PID Controller [24] and a Fuzzy Self-tuning (FST) PID Controller [14] are considered. On the other hand, for velocity control the FST PD+ Controller [35] and the Fuzzy Sliding Mode (FSM) Controller [12, 16, 28] were chosen. Controller's performance and robustness in relevant tasks are evaluated and compared in order to determine which control scheme fits best for each task. Empirical adjustment of most controller's parameters always depend on the time and tests invested in tuning the controller, it is time consuming and subject to human error. As a fair comparison is intended, controller's parameters are optimized via Genetic Algorithms [22]. With this method, the tuning of parameters is not subtle to human error and the comparison can avoid possible erroneous conclusions. Optimization of parameters of all controllers was carried out successfully. Pa-rameters set by the GA are interpreted and show several details about the structure of the considered controllers. Performance comparison of controllers is discussed and conclusions about the complexity of controllers and its equivalence when performing some tasks is presented.
- A comparison of Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey's EFL exit examinations and the TOEFLGuajardo Walsh, María Beatriz; María Beatriz Guajardo Walsh; Schwartz, Ronald; Gartz, Irene; Ronald Scwartz; Irene Gartz
- A comparison of the TOEFL with the placement tests used in the English language program at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyTorres de Molina, María Guadalupe; María Guadalupe Torres de Molina; Schwartz, Ronald; Ronald Scwartz
- A comprehensive analysis of behavioural economics applied to social media using automated methods and asymmetric modelling(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022) Mendoza Urdiales, Román Alejandro; GARCIA MEDINA, ANDRES; 298598; Garcia Medina, Andres; emijzarate; Miguel, Gonzalez Mendoza; Escuela de Graduados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas; Sede EGADE Santa Fe; Nuñez Mora, José AntonioFinancial economic research has extensively documented the fact that the impact of the arrival of negative news on stock prices is more intense than that of the arrival of positive news. The authors of the present study followed an innovative approach based on the utilization of two artificial intelligence algorithms to test that asymmetric response effect. Methods: The first algorithm was used to web scrape the social network Twitter to download the top tweets of the 24 largest market-capitalized publicly traded companies in the world during the last decade. A second algorithm was then used to analyze the contents of the tweets, converting that information into social sentiment indexes and building a time series for each considered company. After comparing the social sentiment indexes’ movements with the daily closing stock price of individual companies using transfer entropy, our estimations confirmed that the intensity of the impact of negative and positive news on the daily stock prices is statistically different, as well as that the intensity with which negative news affects stock prices is greater than that of positive news. The results support the idea of the asymmetric effect that negative sentiment has a greater effect than positive sentiment, and these results were confirmed with the EGARCH model
- A computer-aided framework for manufacturability analysis of robot-made assemblies(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2003-05-01) Barrón Cano, Olivia Maricela; BARRON CANO, OLIVIA MARICELA; 66618; Gordillo Moscoso, José Luis; Sucar Sucar, Luis Enrique; Molina Gutiérrez, Arturo; Sánchez García, José Manuel; ITESMIt has been proven that manufacturing enterprises could obtain signi cant savings, both in time and money, by making changes during the early phases of design of their products. This fact has lead to the development of a number of methodologies and software systems tailored to give designers tools to analyze manufacturability during the design stage. Two different approaches could be taken for analyzing the manufacturability of a given design. One is to use metrics based on different factors, like number of operations, complexity of the involved operations, etc. The other one is to simulate the manufacturing process to see if it is feasible to build the design without having to do a physical mock-up. In the case of robotic assembly of electro-mechanical devices, the second approach is more useful because detailed assembly plans are generated in order to do the analysis. In order to test if a given design could be manufactured by a speci c robotic cell, designers must answer a number of questions about sequencing, stability, xturing, grasping, motion planning and tool accessibility. Although several tools have been developed for computing some of the answers required by designers, they have been developed in an isolated fashion making hard the integration of their results. Each tool uses its own ob ject models, sets of constraints, scale factors, and base units leading to incompatibility problems when designers have to use the output from one tool as the input for another one. Unfortunately, these problems make designers would rather answer their questions empirically, one by one, and thus a system that integrates these tools is need. Such a system will relieve designers from the integration burden allowing them to focus on the creative aspects of their jobs. This thesis describes a computer-aided framework that enables the integration of software tools for manufacturability analysis. Based on a given description of the assembly, a feasible assembly sequence, a robotic cell model, a set of software tools and a description of the order in which the tools must be called, the framework is capable of giving detailed plans for the assembly (if they exist) or feedback about the manufacturability problems (when it is impossible to make the assembly in the given cell). The framework is designed in such a way the software tools do not have to be run locally, instead they could be run in any place in the world which can be accessed trough Internet. Two Web-accesible computer systems were implemented to accomplish this research; the rst one was developed as a mean to gure out the problems that must be tackled down to integrate several software tools, and the second one was developed to show the feasibility of building the proposed framework. The ma jor contributions of this research can be characterized as follows: De nition and formal speci cation of a central assembly-oriented data model which includes information about assemblies, robotic cells and constraints. The data model is based on a comprehensive domain ontology that enables the interoperation of manufacturability analysis software tools by managing information for chaining processes, storing solutions and giving feedback to the user. De nition of a modular framework for integration of software tools and feedback mechanisms. A black box integration approach is used allowing the software tools to be implemented in any computer language as long as they use the standard input/output system to read variables and output results. Constraint management is used as a communication mechanism between the tools. The integration of their solutions is made by testing each solution generated to keep coherence with the requirements of all the tools. Sockets are used to communicate with the software tools, so they could be run in any computer plugged to the World-Wide Web at any location around the world. A simple example was set and four tests were run in order to prove the main characteristics of the framework. Also, a survey was designed and applied to expert assembly designers to have an evaluation of the system's usefulness.