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- New York, jany 6th 1885...your favor of the 26th all covering draft for $349.66Bruce; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, JoaquínGeorge Bruce
- New York, sept. 22th 1884...the carta for Mr. John Rusell Barttlet were also received and duly for encordedBruce; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, JoaquínGeorge Bruce
- New York, nov. 9th 1882...1 wraught from sugar millBruce; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, Joaquín; Landero, PasquelGeorge Bruce
- New York, oct. 12th 1882...the amount has been placed to your creditBruce; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, JoaquínGeorge Bruce
- We also enclose service and bill of lading of sugar cane scale and 1 box of printing ink and cataloguesBruce; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, Joaquín; Landero, PasquelGeorge Bruce
- New York, oct. 17th 1873... your favor of august 30th covering draft for $100 goldBruce, G., Son & Co.; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, JoaquínGeorge Bruce
- New York, july 3th 1873... we wich ship your goods by the next steamerBruce, G., Son & Co.; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, JoaquínGeorge Bruce
- Carta en que se confirma el envío de productos ordenados el 1 de mayoBruce, G., Son & Co.; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, JoaquínGeorge Bruce
- New York, dec. 7th 1877...we also enclose service and lading of 12 boxes printing sipes and machineryBruce; CI/TEC PDCP; García Icazbalceta, Joaquín; Landero, PasquelGeorge Bruce