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- Perceived competency in complex thinking skills among university community members in Pakistan: insights across disciplines(2024) José Carlos Vázquez ParraThis article aims to evaluate university community members’ (faculty members and students, in this case) perceptions of their complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies – including systemic, scientific, critical, and innovative thinking – across various disciplines at eight universities in Pakistan (Objective). Using a validated eComplexity instrument, descriptive statistical analysis of means and standard deviations, a Kruskal–Wallis test, a correlation matrix, and a correlation coefficient heatmap of complex thinking were applied to uncover key patterns and disparities (Methodology). The novelty of this study lies in its focus on how participants perceive their achievement of complex thinking competencies, offering unique insights into the specific challenges faced by different academic disciplines (Novelty). Notably, Humanities and Education profiles reported considerably low levels of competency (mean of 2.39), with statistically significant differences regarding knowledge of research report structures (scientific thinking) and interdisciplinary problem-solving and contextual analysis (innovative thinking) (Results). However, the study’s geographic context and reliance on self-perceived competencies pose limitations, potentially introducing social desirability bias (Limitations). These findings emphasise the need to adapt teaching methods to bridge competency gaps and promote equitable skill development (Conclusions). Future research should extend the study to broader educational contexts to explore regional and international variations, and assess interventions to enhance competencies in underperforming areas – particularly Humanities and Education – improving discipline performance and confidence in complex thinking (Implications).
- Remaigining the future through the co-creation of social entrepreneurship in higher education: a multivariate prediction model approach(Emerald, 2024-12-10) Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Casillas Muñoz, Fidel; Tariq, Rashik; Icaza Longoria, Inés Álvarez; Portugués Castro, May; EGADE Bussines SchoolPurpose – This remastered analysis focuses on the impact of entrepreneurial interventions in higher education institutions (HEI), particularly in social entrepreneurship. The study evaluated the effectiveness of such interventions through a pre-and post-test approach, examining various skill sets in students. The primary goal was to analyze the influence of entrepreneurial training programs on students’ competencies in social entrepreneurship by analyzing changes in personal behavior, leadership, innovation, social value and management skills before and after the educational interventions. Design/methodology/approach – The study employed a quasi-experimental design, analyzing pre-and post-test results in three distinct social entrepreneurship training experiences. The sample consisted of 304 participants, providing a comprehensive view of the impact of these interventions. Findings – The main findings were: (1) Educational interventions in social entrepreneurship must emphasize strategies for self-awareness, emotional intelligence and personal development improvement. The analysis revealed significant improvements in these areas, indicating that targeted strategies in these domains are essential for enhancing the effectiveness of social entrepreneurship education. (2) The impact of educational interventions on these capabilities can be effectively evaluated using machine learning methods such as ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. This approach allows for the inclusion of variables such as gender, age or location, providing a comprehensive assessment of the interventions’ impact. (3) The interventions were particularly effective in improving students’ innovation and leadership competencies. The analysis demonstrated substantial enhancements in these areas, underscoring the success of the interventions in developing these critical skills. (4) The study highlighted the need for a more focused approach in future interventions, emphasizing the importance of management, social value and personal skills. Additionally, it pointed out the necessity of developing and utilizing appropriate tools to create and evaluate these interventions effectively. Practical implications – The study provides insights into improving educational interventions in social entrepreneurship to better develop essential skills in students. Originality/value – This research introduces a significant approach to educational interventions for educational communities and decision-makers by demonstrating the effectiveness of entrepreneurial training for competencies in innovation and leadership, which are crucial for societal and economic development.
- Mapping the intelligent classroom: examining the emergence of personalized learning solutions in the digital age(2025-01-10) Lagos Castillo, Alez; Chiappe, Andrés; Ramírez-Montoya, María Soledad; Becerra Rodríguez, Diego Fernando; EGADE Business School; Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis; Soykan, Emrah; Rob Koper; Teo, TimothyIt may seem that learning platforms and systems are a tired topic for the academic community; however, with the recent advancements in artificial intelligence, they have become relevant to both current and future educational discourse. This systematic literature review explored platforms and software supporting personalized learning processes in the digital age. The review methodology followed PRISMA guidelines, searching Scopus and Web of Science databases. Results identified three main categories: artificial intelligence, platforms/software, and learning systems. Key findings indicate artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in adaptive, personalized environments by offering individualized content, assessments, and recommendations. Online platforms integrate into blended environments to facilitate personalized learning, retention, and engagement. Learning systems promote student-centered models, highlight hybrid environments’ potential, and apply game elements for motivation. Practical implications include leveraging hybrid models, emphasizing human connections, analyzing student data, and teacher training. Future research directions involve comparative studies, motivational principles, predictive analytics, adaptive technologies, teacher professional development, cost-benefit analyses, ethical frameworks, and diverse learner impacts. Overall, the dynamic interplay between artificial intelligence, learning platforms, and learning systems offers a mosaic of opportunities for the evolution of personalized learning, emphasizing the importance of continuous exploration and refinement in this ever-evolving educational landscape.
- Complex thinking and adopting artificial intelligence tools: a study of university students(Frontiers, 2024) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Carina Soledad; Amézquita Zamora, Juan Alberto; Cotino Arbelo, Andrea E.; Palomino Gámez, Sergio; Cruz Sandoval, Marco; Eileen ScanlonIn the next 5 years, artificial intelligence (AI) tools are expected to become commonplace in people’s lives, especially in their work processes. Therefore, educational institutions feel intrinsically responsible for ensuring that their students acquire and develop competences associated with the appropriate use of this technology in their educational programs. However, what are the perceptions of students regarding the inclusion of artificial intelligence tools in their educational process and future careers, and what competencies can influence a greater adoption of this technology in the classroom? The objective of this article presents the results of an exploratory study in a sample population of students from a technological university in Mexico, in which their perception and openness toward the training and use of artificial intelligence tools for their professions was examined. Their perception of the development of complex thinking and its sub-competencies was evaluated, recognizing that complex thinking is a valuable cognitive skill to face changes in uncertain environments. The methodology of the study consisted of a multivariate descriptive statistical analysis using R software. The results determined a positive correlation between students’ perceived improvement in the achievement of complex thinking competence and their perception of the use of AI tools. In conclusion, participants perceived the use of these tools as a feature of their profession, although they questioned whether this knowledge is included in their professional training. This article presents several findings that offer ample opportunities for future research.
- Perception of AI tool adoption and training: initial validation using GSEM method(Emerald Publishing, 2024) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Henao Rodríguez, Carolina; Lis Gutiérrez, Jenny Paola; Palomino Gámez, Sergio; Suárez Brito, PalomaPurpose This study develops and validates the “Perception of the Adoption and Training in the Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in the Profession” instrument, designed to measure Latin American university students' attitudes and perceptions regarding AI training in their professional education across diverse fields. Design/methodology/approach The instrument was administered to 238 students from various disciplines at a Mexican university. Structural validity and reliability were assessed using a generalized structural equation model (GSEM) with quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) to handle data non-normality and analyze latent construct relationships. Findings Results show high internal consistency and validity, with strong correlations between items and constructs of “attitude” and “perception of AI training value.” The study found significant relationships between understanding AI tools and the perceived value of AI training, as well as between this perception and attitudes toward incorporating AI in professional training. Practical implications The instrument helps institutions identify student attitudes and training needs related to AI, enabling tailored curricula and training programs that foster positive AI acceptance, thus preparing students for modern technological challenges. Originality/value This study offers a validated instrument tailored to the Latin American context, addressing a gap in measuring student perceptions of AI in professional training. It serves as a diagnostic tool for educators and policymakers in designing AI-integrated pedagogical strategies that align with student needs.
- Robots Teaching Teachers: Acceptanceof Technology in Higher Education(2025-01-01) López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Suarez Brito, Paloma; Baena Rojas, Jose Jaime; admmsernaThis study aimed to investigate teacher perceptions of using advanced technological tools, specifically the NAO robot, in co-teaching settings to enhance class development and promote complex thinking in higher education. Complex thinking is a crucial skill in higher education, enabling students to effectively address and solve multifaceted problems.
- Challenges of implementing ChatGPT on education: Systematic literature review(Elsevier, 2025-01-10) García-Lopez, Iván Miguel; González, Carina; Ramírez-Montoya, Maria Soledad; Molina-Espinosa, Jose Martin; EGADE Bussiness SchoolSince its launch in 2022, ChatGPT has sparked considerable interest in higher education, raising debates about its benefits, challenges, and ethical implications. This systematic literature review, spanning January 2019 to January 2024, analyzes 42 articles from Web of Science and Scopus to identify key opportunities and challenges in its academic integration. Four core issues emerge: (a) technological integration and obsolescence, emphasizing the need for scalable, modular infrastructures; (b) personalization and equity, focusing on the balance between individualized learning and avoiding algorithmic bias; (c) data quality and security, highlighting the importance of transparent data management and robust encryption to protect sensitive information; and (d) ethics and human-AI collaboration, stressing the importance of institutional policies and continuous teacher intervention to ensure responsible and effective use. This study advances the discourse by recommending sustainable strategies for AI adoption, including professional development and fairness audits, while underscoring the critical role of human oversight in maximizing ChatGPT’s educational impact. Ultimately, it offers actionable insights for institutions to align AI use with ethical principles and long-term educational goals.
- Modeling foreign investment received in the colombian oil sector during the period 1996- 2016(Grupo Editorial Espacios, 2019-06-17) Lechuga Cardozo, Jorge Isaac; Cazallo Antúnez, Ana María; Meñaca Guerrero, Indira; Medina Carrascal, Héctor José; Uribe Urán, Carlos Mario; Barragán Morales, Camilo Enrique;;; direct investment received in the oil sector in Colombia is a dependent variable, based on percentages with respect to GDP of exports of goods and services, and gross capital formation as independent. This work highlights the oil sector within the Colombian economy and the important role that foreign investors have had in this sector. The link between this variable and another macroeconomic variable was identify within the parameters marked within the model of multiple linear regression. This research is quantitative, of an explanatory type and is framed within the paradigm of structuralism. In this research work, the SPSS statistical program for modeling is implemented and the econometric model of direct foreign investment of the Colombian oil sector between 1996 and 2016 is sought.
- Caracterización del perfil y remuneración de los pares evaluadores en el área de negocios y management reconocidos por Minciencias, Colombia(Universidad de Santander UDES, 2021-09-01) Cruz Páez, Fabio Orlando; Parra Montenegro, Lizeth Valeria; Lechuga Cardozo, Jorge Isaac;;; artículo tiene como propósito caracterizar el perfil de pares evaluadores en el área de negocios y management reconocidos por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Minciencias), Colombia, y su opinión acerca de la remuneración para lapublicación de artículos, temáticas de interés y categorías de revistas científicas indezadas. La metodología empleada fue cuantitativa, el diseño no experimental y nivel descriptivo. Se empleó como intrumento un cuestionario de 15 items a una muestra aleatoriade 190 pares evaluadores -investigadores. Se encontró que en su mayoría los investigadores en negocios y management son categoría junior y prefieren enterarse de las convocatorias a través de redes sociales para investigadores; reciben beneficios económicos de parte de sus instituciones para la publicación en revistas indexadas principlamnete de alto impacto como las indexadas a Scopus, las temáticas de preferencia son administración general. Se concluye que el sistema nacional de investigación colombianotiene grandes desafíos para estimular el desempeño de investigadores dentro de las instituciones de educación superior y que para desarrollar talento humano más calificado que responda al sistema de calidad de las revistas indexadas se deben realizar esfuerzos para la capacitación, retención y desarrollo de los investigadores que fungen a su vez de pares evaluadores en las revistas científicas.
- Percepción de los decisores de centros comerciales sobre aplicación de acciones de marketing(Universidad del Zulia, 2020-06-07) Muñoz Querales, Edgardo Enrique; Lechuga Cardozo, Jorge Isaac; Pulido Rojano, Alexander de Jesús;;; construcción de centros comerciales como consecuencia del aumento de la participación de grandes marcas de productos y servicios, consiente que en esos escenarios se puedan implementar y fortalecer acciones de marketing de experiencias o sensorial que, a través de los sentidos, permitan generar reacciones positivas en los clientes. Este artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar la percepción de los decisores de los centros comerciales en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia, sobre la aplicación de acciones de marketing sensorial, con el propósito de dar una visión general sobre éstas prácticas en doce centros comerciales seleccionados. Para el presente estudio se realizó una investigación descriptiva, no experimental, transversal, con enfoque mixto, a través del método de análisis. En efecto se utilizó como técnica la revisión documental y la encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos incluyen una reflexión de las estrategias de marketing sensorial que deben ser fortalecidas para incrementar la competitividad, productividad y rentabilidad, considerando el alto crecimiento del sector retail en Colombia. Se concluye que la música, la iluminación y los olores son las acciones de marketing que enfatizan los decisores en la industria retail, siendo percibidos como una estrategia que genera mejores resultados en ventas y afianza la comunicación con los clientes.