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Artículos científicos o técnicos preliminares, sujeto a revisión de pares, pero tiene la intención de ser publicado en una publicación periódica, de manera independiente o como un capítulo de libro de naturaleza académica, tal como resultados preliminares de investigación publicados en cuadernillo separado.


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    Computational thinking assessment: Contributions to the development of complex thinking in higher education
    (2023-10-25) Suárez Brito, Paloma; Alfaro Ponce, Berenice; George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; López Caudana, Edgar Omar;; Polytechnic Institute of Bragança,
    Computational thinking and complex thinking are two approaches of current importance in higher education today, since they seek to enhance trans- versal skills and contribute to solving complex problems effectively, as well as analyzing options from multiple perspectives. Both competencies are considered indispensable for the future, so that students can face life challenges in a better way and propose innovative solutions appropriate to each context. In this work, we present a rubric to measure the Computational Thinking (CT) competency in higher education contexts, designed based on Wing’s (2006) original definition which includes abstraction and automation processes. Our rubric produces quantitative measures about Computational Thinking skills from teachers’ observation. An expert validation procedure was carried out resulting in a tool with high levels of reliability and validity. Findings demonstrate realistic and practical use of the rubric in higher education scenarios and promote the development of trans- versal competencies (including Complex Thinking). Results are discussed in terms of the importance of the promotion of 21st century skills in higher education.
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    Gender gap in perceived achievement of complex thinking in engineering students: A challenge for STEM inclusion
    (2023-10-25) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Suárez Brito, Paloma; López Caudana, Edgar Omar
    This paper is part of the thematic axis Bridging the diversity gap in STEM, specifically in the themes Diversity and inclusion and Gender studies in STEM. Its objective is to share the results of a study conducted on engineering students in their last semester of training, regarding their perception of achievement of the competence of complex thinking. The intention is to have an insight into how students perceive their level of competence and cognitive skills, in order to assess whether there are significant differences based on gender. For this study, a representative convenience sample of graduating candidates from a university institution in western Mexico was taken. Methodologically, descriptive analyses were made considering a validated instrument. In conclusion, it is identified that the level of achievement perception of engineering and science students is high (4.29), being critical thinking the one that yielded the best perception and sys- temic thinking the lowest. In terms of gender, it is identified that men are those who yielded the best perception in all cases, being the students of Digital Trans- formation Engineering the best self-evaluated.

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