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Artículos científicos o técnicos preliminares, sujeto a revisión de pares, pero tiene la intención de ser publicado en una publicación periódica, de manera independiente o como un capítulo de libro de naturaleza académica, tal como resultados preliminares de investigación publicados en cuadernillo separado.
- A stacking ensemble machine learning method for early identification of students at risk of dropout(Springer, 2023-03-07) Talamás Carvajal, Juan Andrés; Ceballos Cancino, Héctor Gibrán; Tecnologico de MonterreyEarly dropout of students is one of the bigger problems that universities face currently. Several machine learning techniques have been used for detecting students at risk of dropout. By using sociodemographic data and qualifications of the previous level, the accuracy of these predictive models is good enough for implementing retention programs. In addition, by using grades of the first semesters, the accuracy of these models increases. Nevertheless, the classification errors produced by these models cause undetected students to be discarded from the retention programs, whereas students with no actual risk consume additional resources. In order to provide more accurate models, we propose the use of a stacking ensemble technique to obtain an improved combined dropout model, while using relatively few variables. The model results show values on the expected ranges for an early dropout model, but with considerably fewer features and historical information, and we show that deploying the models would be cost-efficient for the institution if applied towards an intervention program.
- Adoption of open educational resources: An analysis of student’s perceptions(2023-08-29) Glasserman Morales, Leonardo David; Alcántar Nieblas, Carolina; George Reyes, Carlos Enrique;; Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Educational Resources (OER) have transformed teaching practices in higher education. This study aimed to analyze means and standard deviations of adopting available educational resources by research and academic degree discipline. The second stage examines the relationship between the dimensions of adopting open educational resources (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, subjective norms, and behavioral control). A total of 358 students from five public and private universities were considered, whereas 90 of them (25.1%) were male, 266 (74.3%) were female, and 1(.3%) preferred not to identify with any of the gender options. Ages ranged from 18 to 35 years (M= 21.0 and SD = 3.0). The results show that participants from disciplines related to health sciences have higher adoption of open educational resources. They observed that students with postgraduate training presented the highest means in all dimensions associated with OER. Correlations between the factors of adopting OER were statistically significant and cheerful; the correlation value is considered moderate. In conclusion, more studies are need to be done considering the factors that can influence the adoption of OER.
- Análisis de Estabilidad en Operaciones de Torneado y Fresado-Edición Única(2005-12-01) Alejandro Martínez López; Francisco Javier Araya Pérez; Jovanny Pacheco Bolívar; ITESM
- Analysis Of Drying Technologies For Waste Water Treatment Plant Sludge As An Alternative Source Of Energy-Edición Única(2015-08-17) Belzahet Treviño, Jose Rodriguez; Center for Water Studies ITESM
- Being an Entrepreneur Post-COVID-19- Resilience in Times of Crisis: a Systematic Literature Review(Emerald, 2020-09) Portuguez Castro, May; Gómez Zermeño, Marcela Georgina; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyPurpose- The COVID-19 pandemic has had an uncertain impact on the global economy, especially for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have suffered significant consequences. However, resilience has emerged as an entrepreneurial skill that allows companies to adapt and grow stronger in the face of challenges. Therefore, we conducted a literature review to identify the factors that comprise resilience to strengthen training programs for necessary entrepreneurial skills. We hope this study leads to future empirical studies that will provide more understanding and equip professionals with the skills to adapt to crises. Design/methodology/approach- A systematic literature review was performed, analyzing studies related to entrepreneurship, resilience, and crises. Thirty empirical studies were analyzed to determine the facts of the crises, the methodologies used, and the actions taken to address them. Findings- The review identified resilience factors such as attitudes adopted towards the crisis, the characteristics of the business and the entrepreneur, the relationships with institutions, human and social capital, and strategic management. These factors can be considered in training programs for resilient entrepreneurs and by the different actors in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, including the universities and public policymakers, who support them. Originality- This study provides a literature review that focuses on identifying the resilience factors of entrepreneurs who confronted past crises to know how to apply these in actions to overcome the current situation and contribute to post-COVID-19 entrepreneurship. We hope that the findings motivate others to conduct further empirical studies on entrepreneurship and resilience in times of crisis, especially in developing countries and emerging economies.
- ¿Cómo se puede usar la tecnología para responder al problema de la escasez de alimentos por el constante aumento de la población mundial? : El auge de la Biotecnología en el siglo XXI-Única(2002) Alejandra Rico; Karla Palomo; Alethia Avendaño; Luciano SalviettiLa biotecnología ha estado ligada al hombre desde sus orígenes, ya que éste constantemente ha buscado formas de mejorar los alimentos que le provee la naturaleza. En este nuevo siglo, el interés global se centra en la biotecnología: una ciencia aplicada que utiliza la tecnología para producir mejoras en las características propias a una especie vegetal. A través de este escrito se pretende identificar el problema al que responde la biotecnología y exponer sobre su origen y aplicaciones, asì como sus beneficios y riesgos. Se finaliza con algunas recomendaciones como respuesta a la pregunta planteada: ¿Cómo se puede usar la tecnología para responder al problema de la escasez de alimentos pro el constante aumento de la población mundial?
- Computational thinking assessment: Contributions to the development of complex thinking in higher education(2023-10-25) Suárez Brito, Paloma; Alfaro Ponce, Berenice; George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; López Caudana, Edgar Omar;; Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, thinking and complex thinking are two approaches of current importance in higher education today, since they seek to enhance trans- versal skills and contribute to solving complex problems effectively, as well as analyzing options from multiple perspectives. Both competencies are considered indispensable for the future, so that students can face life challenges in a better way and propose innovative solutions appropriate to each context. In this work, we present a rubric to measure the Computational Thinking (CT) competency in higher education contexts, designed based on Wing’s (2006) original definition which includes abstraction and automation processes. Our rubric produces quantitative measures about Computational Thinking skills from teachers’ observation. An expert validation procedure was carried out resulting in a tool with high levels of reliability and validity. Findings demonstrate realistic and practical use of the rubric in higher education scenarios and promote the development of trans- versal competencies (including Complex Thinking). Results are discussed in terms of the importance of the promotion of 21st century skills in higher education.
- Consideración de los Recursos Naturales en México-Edición Única(2002-12-01) José Barquet; ITESM
- COVID19: El cambio en los procesos de la biblioteca rumbo a una nueva normalidad(2021-07-01) Solís Adame, Maria Teresa; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyLa Pandemia del COVID19 llegó de forma inesperada, tomando por sorpresa a todos para lo cual no estábamos preparados. Obligando a las Bibliotecas del TEC a modificar sus servicios presenciales (ej. Préstamo de libros) para ofrecerlos en forma remota (en línea), protegiendo la salud y la seguridad de los usuarios, así como del personal que los ejecuta. En el artículo se describen los cambios en los procesos de operación interna y la capacitación que recibió el personal para lograr poner a disposición de los usuarios el servicio de préstamo y devolución de material mediante citas en los 44 recintos bibliotecarios distribuidos en los campus del Tecnológico de Monterrey. También muestra la página web que se convertirá en el principal medio de comunicación para informar a los usuarios como obtener estos servicios bibliotecarios y las medidas de seguridad contra el COVID19.
- El VIH/SIDA dentro de la Pediatría. Revisión y Conceptos Actuales.-Edición Unica(2006) Luis Alberto Martínez Juárez; ITESM-Campus MonterreyTrabajo Ganador del 9º Certámen de Investigación Biblioteca Digital, Categoría de Profesional
- Enfermedad de Hodgkin: Conceptos Contemporáneos de una Enfermedad Clásica-Edición Única(2002-12-01) Olivia Méndez Quintero; ITESM
- Ethical Education and its Impact on the Perceived Development of Social Entrepreneurship Competency(2021) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; García González, Abel; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyThe aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of multidisciplinary training in the perceived development of social entrepreneurship competence. By means of a sample of an ethics class, this study seeks to argue the relevance of new social entrepreneurs having a broad training, beyond the knowledge they receive from the business area. This paper is based on a quantitative analysis methodology. Based on the application of a validated questionnaire measuring the perceived development of social entrepreneurship competence, a longitudinal measurement was carried out at two points in time, at the beginning and at the end of an ethics course, in a sample population of 132 undergraduate students. Based on these results, a multifactorial diagnosis was made using a Z-test. Overall, the sample results did not show a significant improvement in their level of perception of students' development of the social entrepreneurship competence. However, the individual results of the perceived development of sub-competences that make up this competence did reflect some development, especially the sub-competence of social innovation. Thus, this study demonstrates that there is a measurable impact of the contribution of other disciplines, in this case the ethical education, in the training of new entrepreneurs, arguing the importance of multidisciplinary training. The results of this study contribute to the work of universities in developing social entrepreneurship competence. Based on its findings, institutions will be able to recognise the relevance of multidisciplinary training in the generation of new social entrepreneurs, valuing other disciplinary areas, such as humanities and social sciences, beyond training based exclusively on business knowledge. A key point to capitalize on in training practices for social entrepreneurship is "social innovation", due to the sense of transcendence and impact that universities should seek, precisely because of their social responsibility to create value. This research provides empirical evidence of the impact of ethics education on social entrepreneurship education. It argues the importance of reflecting on multidisciplinary education as a complementary element in the perceived development of social entrepreneurship competence in students.
- Financial inclusion of vulnerable sectors with a gender perspective: risk analysis model with artificial intelligence based on complex thinking(Research Square, 2023-01-03) Medina Vidal, Adriana; Alonso Galicia, Patricia Esther; González Mendoza, Miguel; Ramírez Montoya, María SoledadThe objective is to present a proposal for a gender-sensitive risk analysis model using artificial intelligence (AI) within the framework of complex thinking, specifically for impoverished and vulnerable women. This international non-parametric study analyzed business and entrepreneurial activity in a sample of 2,787 women. The methodological design included data analysis, the postulation of a proposed model, and a validation method for the credit risk analysis model. There is a correlation between the level of schooling of impoverished and vulnerable women with the possibility of self-employment and selling a product or service. In the framework of complex thinking, the perception of innovative thinking is related to the level of education and innovative decision-making in professional projects. Women with a higher level of schooling tend to think about their professional projects systematically. Promoting complex thinking involves innovative educational practices to encourage critical, systemic, scientific, and innovative thinking in entrepreneurship and sustainable development. Integrating reasoning for complexity benefits women and contributes to economic and social growth in vulnerable regions. In contrast to other models, our credit risk analysis model uses AI and variables for gender, vulnerability, and complex thinking to detect patterns in women's behaviors and attitudes in the venture start-up process.
- Fractional Fourier Transform for Optimal Image Filtering-Edición Única(2005-05-01) Manuel Guizar Sicairos; David Said Martínez; ITESM, Campus Monterrey
- Gender gap in perceived achievement of complex thinking in engineering students: A challenge for STEM inclusion(2023-10-25) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Suárez Brito, Paloma; López Caudana, Edgar OmarThis paper is part of the thematic axis Bridging the diversity gap in STEM, specifically in the themes Diversity and inclusion and Gender studies in STEM. Its objective is to share the results of a study conducted on engineering students in their last semester of training, regarding their perception of achievement of the competence of complex thinking. The intention is to have an insight into how students perceive their level of competence and cognitive skills, in order to assess whether there are significant differences based on gender. For this study, a representative convenience sample of graduating candidates from a university institution in western Mexico was taken. Methodologically, descriptive analyses were made considering a validated instrument. In conclusion, it is identified that the level of achievement perception of engineering and science students is high (4.29), being critical thinking the one that yielded the best perception and sys- temic thinking the lowest. In terms of gender, it is identified that men are those who yielded the best perception in all cases, being the students of Digital Trans- formation Engineering the best self-evaluated.
- Global Software Development: A Challenge for Project Management-Edición Única(2004-05-01) Marcos Eliud Guevara Camacho; ITESM
- Improving Software Engineering: A Knowledge Management Approach-Edición Única(2004-12-01) Marcos Eliud Guevara Camacho; Carlos Adrián Solares Lozano; ITESM
- Innovación educativa en estudios de psicología educativa: implicaciones prácticas(Octaedro, 2019-11-01) Guajardo-Leal, Brenda Edith; García Vázquez, Nancy Janett; Valenzuela González, Jaime Ricardo; 469282; Tecnológico de Monterrey; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Valenzuela González, Jaime RicardoEn este trabajo se presentan las tendencias de innovación en educación emergentes de la línea de investigación de Estudios Psicopedagoígicos. Para su elaboración se utilizaron dos estudios previos: el Mapeo Sistemático de Literatura y la Revisión Sistemática de Literatura, ambos realizados en la misma línea de estudio. En los resultados, además de incluír la definición de la tendencia y la clasificación de algunas de sus variantes, se presenta un repertorio de casos concretos de la aplicación de cada tendencia, de la que se derivan consejos prácticos y ligas de interés para conocer más información. Los resultados de este estudio permiten reconocer las tendencias que emergen de proyectos de investigación actuales, por lo que brindan una oportunidad para estar al día y conocer el rumbo de la innovación educativa en esta línea de investigación.
- La Lengua del Quijote: el Ideal Cervantino de la Discreción-Edición Única(2004-12-01) Gabriela Mercado; Rodrigo Navarro; ITESM
- La soledad en Cien Años de Soledad, de Gabriel García Márquez-Edición Única(2004-05-17) Violeta Montes de Oca Sánchez; otros; ITESM